This menu is disabled because the player is human. This menu selects the level at which the computer will play for this player. This player is currently setup to be played by a human. Select this radio button if you want a human to play for this player. The computer is currently setup to play for this player. Select this radio button if you want the computer to play for this player. Enter name for red player here. Enter name for black player here. This is the red player's king piece. This is the black player's king piece. Unchecking this box will cause king pieces to be removed when jumped just as single man pieces. Checking this box will cause king pieces to be demoted to soldier pieces when jumped. Unchecking this box will not impose a rule whereby soldier pieces cannot jump king pieces. Checking this box will impose a rule whereby soldier pieces cannot jump king pieces. Unchecking this box will not impose a rule whereby you must jump your opponent if a jump exists. Checking this box will impose a rule whereby you must jump your opponent if a jump exists. Uncheck this box if you do not want to play the 'Return the Flag' variation. Check this box if you want to play the 'Return the Flag' variation. You must check the 'Magic Spells' box before you can customize them. Click here if you wish to customize the magic spells. Uncheck this box if you do not want magic spells in the game. Check this box if you want there to be magic spells in the game. Click here if you wish to change the initial arrangement of playing pieces on the board. There is currently no auto-saved game to resume. Click here if you wish to resume the auto-saved game. Click here if you wish to start playing a new game.